Sleeping Disorder Problem

Tongue Tie,
Snoring &
Sleep Apnea Causes


The tongue consists of 8 muscles. All these muscles are very important for the complete act of swallowing and maintaining the posture of the neck and shoulders. They also play an important role in diaphragmatic breathing. Keeping the tongue back resting high up on the palate helps keep the airway wide open.   However, as shown in the picture above, in some cases, the tongue rests low in the mouth because of a tongue tie, low muscle tone, mouth breathing, or inadequate space in the mouth. This can cause the posterior part of the tongue to fall back, causing airway function disorder due to a narrowed airway. Airway function disorder involves mouth breathing, Noisy Breathing, Snoring, UARS, Sleep Apnea, and oral muscle dysfunction. This may affect children as well as adults.


When you transition from a night of light sleep to deep sleep, all the muscles in the body begin to relax, including the soft palate and the tongue. Among these muscles, the soft palate and the tongue play an essential role in maintaining unobstructed airflow. Any obstructions in these areas can disrupt the velocity and pressure of airflow, which can lead to sleep disturbances.

Under normal circumstances, the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth naturally, helping to keep the airways open. This maintenance of airway patency is essential for enjoying a restful and uninterrupted night’s sleep without night breathing problems.

Sleep apnea is a type of condition characterized by the individual experiencing complete closure of the throat airway during sleep. This sleep apnea causes sleeping issues as the patient is constantly struggling to sleep.

This obstruction leads to a significant reduction in oxygen levels, imposing undue stress on both the heart and the body. As a result, individuals with sleep apnea encounter frequent night breathing problems, where they wake up gasping for air.

Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS) distinguishes itself by a characteristic lack of complete airway blockage. Instead, individuals with UARS experience airflow resistance either through the nasal passages or the rear of the throat. Sleep apnea causes a few challenges during the transition from light to deep sleep. Now, as the body is in a deep sleep, the muscles, including the tongue, relax. This relaxation can lead to a narrowed airway, leading to the sensation of snoring. As the narrowing persists in individuals with UARS, they experience subtle arousals that may not even register on an electroencephalogram (EEG).


The parasympathetic nervous system in the body helps restore a calm and composed state. This prevents the body from overworking. On the other hand, the sympathetic nervous system, , prepares the body for fight and flight response. Your body goes into a sympathetic drive, i.e. the fight or flight response when one goes from deep sleep to light sleep to avoid that obstruction. With recurrence of these events hour after hour, these chronic sympathetic tone events cause fear and strain and makes them feel agitated, anxious. They remain in a high sympathetic drive until they reach a stage of adrenal fatigue where they don’t have any more cortisol left to fight it off and they feel very fatigued. UARS is a precursor to sleep apnea and it is the most predominant in people with a lot of compensations.


These sleeping disorder problems put our bodies in a constant sympathetic drive, which affects the eyes, inhibits salivation, increases the heart rate, and bronchial dilatation, which leads to chronic respiratory diseases, acid reflux, and digestion issues, insulin resistance leading to diabetes, etc.


We are honoured to be considered a premier Sleep Dentistry and tongue Tie Center in India. We provide Best Sleep Disorder Treatment through minimally invasive techniques that produce long-term results. Our Founder, Dr. Ankita Shah, trained by ENT and sleep Surgeon Dr. Soroush Zaghi, is also the Only Indian Ambassador of the Breathe Institute in Los Angeles.


Sleeping disorder problems worsen with age; hence, taking action at an early age is essential. Conventional Approaches to sleep apnea treatment includes CPAP therapy. Today, research shows us that multiple factors cause sleep apnea, which can be easily treated through non-invasive procedures.


Oral Myofunctional therapy is an exercise program used to correct the improper function of the tongue and facial muscles. It involves strengthening of the tongue and orofacial muscles by teaching individuals how to tone and use the muscles in order to achieve essential functions like nasal breathing and swallowing.


In our practice we use the Functional Frenuloplasty procedure to release tongue ties for adults. This approach has been adapted from Dr. Soroush Zaghi of The Breathe Institute, Los Angeles who is a globally renowned ENT & sleep surgeon who has established this functional approach to tongue ties.


The specific goal of breath retraining is to achieve physiologically normal nasal breathing 95% of the day and night. We use the Buteyko Method of breath retraining.


Airway orthodontics recognises the fact that sleep and breathing disorders that are caused by backward position of jaws and incorrect tongue resting posture. It focuses on bringing the jaw growth forward and wider in order to have wider airways which is of key importance to an overall well-being of an individual.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr Ankita Shah is one of India’s leading sleep apnea specialists in Mumbai. She provides holistic treatment for sleep apnea, ensuring the optimal physical and emotional well-being of her patients.
Sleep apnea may occur due to various reasons such as sinus, DNS, nasal obstruction, incorrect jaw position, incorrect tongue position, tongue tie, lax muscles and more. To treat it, establishing the root cause is important. Dr. Ankita Shah and her team offer the best sleep apnea diagnosis with personalized treatment approaches, focusing on providing life-long relief. 

An oral appliance is an advanced dental sleep device used to treat sleep apnea and snoring. This device works by repositioning your lower jaw to increase the airway and creating proper tongue space. These oral appliances work as an excellent alternative to invasive sleep apnea treatments.

If left untreated, sleep apnea can impact your everyday life significantly. Some of the side effects of untreated sleep apnea include low energy, mood swings, diabetes, high blood pressure and anxiety. 

No, there are no known side effects associated with CPAP therapy. It may be a little unomnfortabel to use for some. If you are unsure about  CPAP therapy, you can speak to Dr. Ankita Shah, one of India’s best sleep apnea specialists. Dr. Ankita will provide you with the right guidance on treating your sleep apnea with options that may work other than CPAP therapy. 


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