Pediatric Tongue Tie Specialist

Speech defects
in children

Children | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | |


Tongue tie, commonly referred to as Ankyloglossia, is a string of tissue called frenulum. This frenulum connects the underside of the tongue to the mouth’s floor and can be seen under the tongue through a mirror. The frenulum tissue can restrict the movements of the tongue and cause problems with language and speech disorders in children, Swallowing, Eating and Chewing, Drinking, Breathing, Jaw growth, Posture and Digestion. 
Children | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | |


Pediatric lip tie is a similar band of tissue called the labial frenulum. This band of tissues adheres the lip to the gums at a level much higher than normal. This can lead to a gap in between upper front teeth, cavities, inability to close the lips without strain, and speech difficulties
Children | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | |


While there are various theories and research behind it, the exact causes of tongue ties in children are not known yet. Researchers suggest that the tongue tie may be hereditary or due to a defect in cellular apoptosis. Additionally, boys have been found to be more susceptible to having a tongue tie.



A tongue tie in children is usually found when assessing the causes of picky eating, oral habits, and speech defects in children. A tongue tie cannot be diagnosed by seeing if the child can stick out the tongue outside the mouth. The evidence-based current approach shows that a comprehensive functional assessment of the tongue is essential. To accurately diagnose tongue ties in children, it is essential to see a pediatric tongue tie specialist.


A tongue tie pediatric dentist or a specialist determines the right tongue tie treatment option after considering several factors, such as,
After a thorough history taking and clinical examination, depending on the severity of the condition the treatment is advised. In our practice we use the Functional Frenuloplasty procedure to release tongue ties for toddlers, children and adults. This unique and functional approach to tongue ties was established by globally renowned ENT & sleep surgeon Dr. Soroush Zaghi of Breathe Institute, Los Angeles. Dr. Ankita Shah has trained for this approach under Dr. Zaghi and is India’s only Ambassador of The Breathe Institute.
The success of this practice is based on our ability to provide a complete and effective release of tethered oral tissues (fascia) by incorporating a multidisciplinary protocol that integrates myofunctional therapy (and sometimes physical therapy) both before, during, and after pediatric tongue tie surgery. Our tongue-tie release procedure is based on precision: releasing the appropriate extent of tissues for maximal relief; not too much, and not too little. This is what sets our pediatric tongue tie specialist team apart. For those looking for a pediatric tongue tie specialist near me, you have come to the right place.
Children | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | |

Dr. Shah is the Only
Indian Ambassador of

The Breathe Institute

Trained in the Functional Frenuloplasty
Procedure by Dr. Soroush Zaghi

Frequently Asked Questions

You should see a tongue tie specialist for tongue ties in children. Dr. Ankita Shah is a pediatric tongue tie specialist, providing tongue tie diagnosis using evidence-based, comprehensive functional assessment. She also has a team of renowned specialists addressing various tongue tie issues. 

There are certain tongue tie symptoms that you can look out for in your child, such as picky eating, speech issues, hyperactivity, etc. However, tongue tie may be misdiagnosed in many cases. Hence, it is advised to see a tongue tie specialist. Dr. Ankita Shah, is a renowned tongue tie specialist with years of experience in diagnosing tongue tie.

Dr. Ankita Shah is a renowned pediatric dentist for tongue tie in India. She is well known for providing the best tongue tie treatments in infants, children and adults. Her pediatric tongue tie surgery is painless, and when combined with virtual myofunctional therapy, it gives life-altering relief.

No, a pediatric tongue tie cannot go away on its own. If left untreated, it can manifest into various health issues such as snoring, posture, jaw growth and speech problems. A pediatric tongue tie surgery is the best option to correct it.

Yes, with the specialized procedures like Oral Myofunctional Therapy and Functional Frenuloplasty procedure used by Dr. Ankita during pediatric tongue tie surgery offer relief from various tongue tie related problems. When combined with her treatment, speech therapy and post-procedure exercises, you will see improvement in your child’s speech problem.


Children | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | |
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