How to Cure TMJ Permanently?

How to Cure TMJ Permanently? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | TMJ |

The temporomandibular joint located in the jaw is one of the most complex yet powerful joints in the human body. It is located on either side of the face (in front of the ears) and connects the jawbone to the skull.

How to Cure TMJ Permanently? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | TMJ |
The TMJ also has a disc of cartilage that acts as a cushion and protects the condyle – the top end of the jaw and the socket into the skull – from clashing with or hitting each other. The TMJ is the only joint that functions as a single unit, unlike other joints in the body. The upper & the lower teeth alignment make sure that the movements of the TMJ like optimal opening & closing process cycles for swallowing, chewing, talking, breathing, and resting modes. are well-coordinated.
Living with TMJ pain can be exhausting, but relief is possible. We offer effective treatments that provide relief from TMJ pain.Discover how we can help you say goodbye to TMJ pain for good!

A] TMJ Disorder and Causes

TMJ disorder or TMD is a combination of conditions affecting the muscles, teeth and temporomandibular joints. It is connected to several nerves such as the vagus nerve, trigeminal nerve, and facial muscles like masseter muscles and pterygoids. Hence, it is not only a case related to a simple ‘bad bite’ or ‘malocclusion’ but a multi-faceted problem that affects all body parts.

A] TMJ Disorder and Causes

How to Cure TMJ Permanently? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | TMJ |
How to Cure TMJ Permanently? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | TMJ |

B] What are the Symptoms of TMJ?

How to Cure TMJ Permanently? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | TMJ |

TMJ pain has been reported in 1 in 10 people, and TMD has been reported in almost half of the population.

TMD = The Great Impostor Disease

While there are several symptoms of TMJ, most of the symptoms are ones we least suspect.

Some of the signs and symptoms of TMJ include:

It is advisable to have these signs and symptoms checked and treated by a trained TMJ specialist, before going for extensive restorative dentistry or orthodontics.

C] Does Bad Body Posture Lead to TMJ Disorder?

How to Cure TMJ Permanently? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | TMJ |
For the body to function optimally, all bones, joints, and muscles must be aligned. A bad posture can be caused by a poor airway or a routine slouch in the chair where you spend the day hunched over your computer or when you are restricting your body to hold itself in a position that is less than ideal.
A bad body posture tends to have a domino effect. Your misaligned spine will further cause your lower jaw to retrude behind that narrows the airway and increases the clenching and grinding which is one of the leading causes of TMJ disorder.

To correct TMJ disorder caused by a bad body posture, you must start physiotherapy with the help of a NUCCA Chiropractor and Physiotherapist trained for deep tissue releases in combination with a GNM TMJ specialist. The head falls over the shoulders, shoulders are in line with the hips and the heels which helps to maintain a straight posture. When you correct your standing posture, make sure to keep your chest forward and shoulders rolled back without putting your chin forward. This is important for the rest of your body to align properly, including your jaw.

D] Can Braces or Orthodontics lead to TMJ Disorder?

The way the teeth fit together influences not only the position of the jaw and the resting position of the TMJ but also has a major impact on breathing and sleep disorders.
The narrowing of the upper jaw naturally pushes the lower jaw back and further compromises the airway. To compensate, one begins clenching and grinding their teeth, which causes muscular dysfunction and articular disk displacement, causing TMD. Through the domino effect, headaches turn into migraines which ripple into head, neck, and back pain.
Traditional orthodontics concentrates only on teeth alignment and aesthetics, which often fails as the jaw and teeth are pushed behind, which further impacts the airway and TMJ. Traditional orthodontics also tends to extract teeth to relieve overcrowding and create space for teeth alignment. This is another possible cause of TMD.
Removing teeth rather than expanding the jaw will also alter the entire structure of the oronasal airway, leaving no room for the tongue to rest on the roof. Let’s remember maxilla, or the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nose. A smaller maxilla will render in a smaller nasal cavity, which results in a compromised airway. This will force the body to find a way to compensate, like mouth breathing and poor posture.

E] How can TMJ be Treated?

Is TMJ curable? It most definitely is! The old standard for treating TMJ included a variety of splints, mouthpieces, and Neuromuscular(NM) orthotics which failed to do complete justice to properly treating TMJ pain. TMJ is a lifestyle disease and often needs a holistic approach. Below are the best ways for TMJ treatment today. Always check on your body posture, nutrition and gut health.

Gneuromuscular (GNM) Orthotics

Gneuromuscular(GNM) Dentistry is the way forward for treating TMJ. GNM and OC Trained TMJ Specialists focus on the clinical application of neuromuscular principles along with bio-physiological science at a much more advanced and detailed level. A GNM specialist understands the principles of gnathology and applies them in designing and adjusting the orthotic.
How to Cure TMJ Permanently? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | TMJ |
GNM orthotics are built on the concepts of GNM Dentistry. The GNM and OC Trained Specialist will utilize a detailed and custom-designed GNM orthotic to ensure softer closing of the jaw. Also, the biting surfaces in GNM are shaped just like real teeth to ensure smooth opening and closing movement of the jaws.

GNM orthotics V/s Neuromuscular Orthotics

Neuromuscular orthotics also involve realigning the bite to stop the symptoms of the disorder. It fails to focus on a detailed occlusal adjustment which is critical for treating the TMJ and whole body postural problems. While an NM splint does attempt to reset the joints, it cannot stop the strong slamming forces at the back of the neck, which can still affect the neck muscle and continue to cause stiffness and pain.
However, with the latest, innovative GNM treatment for TMJ, the NM Dentistry approach is becoming obsolete.
Living with TMJ pain can be exhausting, but relief is possible. We offer effective treatments that provide relief from TMJ pain.Discover how we can help you say goodbye to TMJ pain for good!

What are other supportive treatments for TMJ?

To learn more about the treatments for TMJ, get in touch with a TMJ expert today!


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Comprehensive Care for Tongue Tie and TMJ Disorders

At our institute, we take pride in providing complete care for issues related to tongue tie and TMJ. To enhance your quality of life, we treat a range of ailments with state-of-the-art technology and expert care. If you’re searching for an effective tongue-tie operation option or a TMJ specialist in India, you have arrived at the right place.

Why Choose a Tongue Tie Operation?

A tongue tie operation or tongue tie surgery is a life-changing procedure that not only restores tongue mobility but also has a full body effect. While most people associate tongue tie with breastfeeding difficulties in infants, it can also affect speech, breathing, posture, dental health, and sleep patterns in older children and adults. By undergoing this minimally invasive fascia release procedure, patients often experience immediate improvements in functionality and overall well-being.

Benefits of a Tongue Tie Surgery

For individuals considering tongue tie surgery, the benefits are far-reaching:

TMJ Specialist Mumbai: Advanced Care Tailored to Your Needs

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) that is your Jaw Joint has a significant impact on one’s quality of life, as they leave the person feeling exhausted and irritable. It not only affects essential functions like chewing, speaking, yawning but also affects one’s posture, breathing and sleep. As a leading TMJ specialist in Mumbai, we offer comprehensive diagnostics and personalized treatment plans to address your unique needs.

Innovative Treatments by TMJ Specialists in India

Our approach to TMJ disorders combines state-of-the-art technology with evidence-based practices. We specialize in:

The Role of Tongue Tie in TMJ Disorders

Many patients are unaware that tongue tie and TMJ disorders can also be interconnected. A restricted tongue can lead to compensatory behaviors that strain the jaw, progressing towards TMJ issues.

Personalized Treatment for All Ages


For newborns, a tongue tie operation is critical in supporting breastfeeding. Infants struggling to latch or feed effectively benefit greatly from a quick and safe procedure.


Tongue tie in children might affect their oral health and speech development. They can significantly enhance their quality of life with a tailored tongue tie surgery.


Adults often seek tongue tie operations for relief from symptoms such as speech impediments, TMJ pain, or even snoring. Combining tongue tie surgery with myofunctional therapy ensures optimal results.

Integrated Myofunctional Therapy

An integral part of our treatment protocols is myofunctional therapy. Exercises used in this therapy help to strengthen and coordinate the muscles of the tongue and face. Whether you’re undergoing a tongue tie operation or being treated for TMJ issues, myofunctional therapy plays a pivotal role in ensuring lasting outcomes.

Expertise and complete treatment are essential for treating TMJ issues or tongue tie. Whether you’re searching for the best tongue tie surgery options or a trusted TMJ specialist in Mumbai, we ensure personalized care and transformative results. Don’t let these conditions stop you—reach out to us today to book your consultation and start your journey toward better health and wellness.