Another way of understanding this is – you met with an accident, suffered from multiple injuries. Your surgeon fixed you up and you were ready to go but were still recommended physical therapy. WHY?
This is because you needed to undergo rehabilitation for your injuries and make sure after the surgery your muscle- balance -posture is retrained. Releasing a tongue tie is also very similar!
When communicating with moms pre-treatment, we cannot stress enough the importance of post treatment care and continued lactation support following the frenectomy procedure. Essentially, the baby must learn how to use his or her tongue in a new way. Some babies need no help at all and immediately breastfeed post-procedure, while other babies may need help from additional professionals.
1) Lactation consultant (IBCLC) : provides full feeding observation, latch/ position adjustment, suck assessment, pre and post feeding weight checks and strategies for correcting problems and managing breastfeeding.
2) Body workers (craniosacral therapist, osteopath, chiropractor, occupational or physical therapist) : Can help babies to release tight muscles that have compensated for a tight frenulum or improper suck. Bodywork encourages an infant to express postural reflexes and explore natural movement inclinations through the nervous system.