Infant Tongue Tie Symptoms and Treatments

Infant lip tie and
infant tongue tie

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Tongue tie, commonly referred to as Ankyloglossia, is a string of tissue called frenulum. This frenulum connects the underside of the tongue to the mouth’s floor and can be seen under the tongue through a mirror. The frenulum tissue can restrict the movements of the tongue and cause problems during Breastfeeding, Sucking, Swallowing, Eating and Chewing, Drinking, Breathing, Speech, Jaw growth, Posture and Digestion.

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Infant lip ties are a similar band of tissue called the labial frenulum that adheres the lip to the gums at a level much higher than normal. This can lead to potential breastfeeding issues, a gap in between upper front teeth, cavities, inability to close the lips without strain, and speech difficulties.

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While there are various theories and research behind it, the exact causes of tongue ties are not known yet. Researchers suggest that the tongue tie may be hereditary or due to a defect in cellular apoptosis. Additionally, boys have been found to be more susceptible to having a tongue tie.


Breastfeeding in infants is essential not only for weight gain but also for developed tongue function for the correct functioning of the jaw. Unsuccessful breastfeeding is often stressful for the mother and may affect her mental health. Unsuccessful breastfeeding may prompt the mother to use supplement bottles under the notion that she’s not producing enough milk. However, in certain cases, this may not be true. At times, there may be dysfunctions with the baby’s soft tissues that can be easily resolved. A failure to diagnose tongue and lip ties supplemented with bottle feeds affects jaw growth, airway development, and much more.

For mothers having trouble breastfeeding, it would be ideal to meet with a pediatric dentist, lactation consultant, or pediatrician who can rule out lactation concerns and then assess if there is any tongue or lip tie that is hindering the process of breastfeeding. A comprehensive team-based approach is key to treating these patients. At TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute, we also believe in helping a mother through their exhausting breastfeeding journey with emotional and psychological support.
Symptoms in breastfeeding mothers indicating baby tongue tie includes the following,
The various baby tongue tie symptoms to watch out for includes
the following,


In many cases, infant tongue tie is found when determining the cause of breastfeeding problems in the baby. A tongue tie cannot be diagnosed by seeing if the newborn can stick out the tongue outside the mouth. The evidence-based current approach shows that a comprehensive functional assessment of the tongue is essential. For accurate infant tongue tie diagnosis, it is essential to see a tongue tie specialist. This is also important because apart from the appearance of the tongue, various other tongue tie symptoms can be assessed only by a trained tongue tie specialist.


A tongue tie specialist determines the right infant/newborn tongue tie treatment after considering several factors, such as,
In severe cases, a frenotomy is advised. It can be performed using a scissor or laser technique. The Laser Frenectomy is a safe, quick, simple, and painless procedure that generally requires no anesthesia. Oral Myofunctional Therapy is given as an adjunct to rehabilitate the tongue function and avoid any relapses. In some infants, Craniosacral Therapy may be used as an adjunct when some asymmetry in the head shape or problems with neck stabilization and body tightness have been observed. Postoperative stretches, a functional release, and a team approach is the key to a successful frenotomy. This is what sets us apart. For those seeking tongue tie treatment near me, you have come to the right place.
Infant | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | |

Dr. Shah is

Laser Certified

by Global Laser Oral Health,
(GLOH), LLC to perform laser


The above mentioned risks are examples of observed changes in children. NOT ALL TIES SHOW all the above mentioned risks. It takes an experienced provider to thoroughly investigate the tongue function and symptoms associated with each tie.


Until this 19th century Midwives were known to clip a newborn’s tongue-tie at birth with a sharp fingernail if spotted with breastfeeding issues. The second half of the 20th century saw a movement away from the practice of breastfeeding. It may have been caused by the rise of formula and bottle feeding, which together, made diagnosing a tongue tie as a long-lost art.

That means there are two to three generations that grew up with tongue-ties. It’s a large group of adults who are living in the dark and are experiencing its signs and symptoms that could unknowingly have a tongue-tie and its compensations.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your infant has tongue tie, you may notice the following while breastfeeding,

  • Trouble latching 
  • Clicking sounds while feeding 
  • Trouble maintaining a latch 
  • Frequent feeds 
  • Poor weight gain
No, tongue tie doesn’t come back. However, reattachment can occur if post-treatment guidelines are not followed. Dr. Ankita Shah provides the most unique tongue tie release treatment through laser treatment that gives permanent results in infant tongue ties.

No, infant tongue tie release is not painful. Before the procedure, a numbing cream or solution is used for a painless procedure. Dr. Ankita Shah offers painless tongue tie release procedures. Her approach ensures minimal to no pain both during and after the procedure.

No, with Dr. Ankita Shah’s laser treatment approach, you can expect minimal to no scarring post-procedure. Dr. Ankita Shah is the only doctor who is Laser Certified by Global Laser Oral Health (GLOH), LLC, to perform laser frenectomies.

Not all tongue ties need releases. It is advised to see a doctor specializing in tongue tie to identify it if you don’t have breastfeeding-related symptoms. Dr. Ankita Shah and her team use multidisciplinary approaches to diagnose tongue ties accurately, even in the absence of any prominent symptoms to make sure if the tongue tie needs a release or no.


Infant | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | |
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