“Tongue Tie Surgery / Tongue Tie Laser Surgery”

Functional Frenuloplasty


Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital medical condition. In a tongue tie, a band of tissue called the lingual frenulum causes the tongue to attach to the floor. This often leads to restricted tongue movements. While tongue tie is commonly seen in babies and young children, it can also be seen in adults.   The compensations of a tongue tie are seen at each age group. It is important for parents and caregivers to understand the symptoms of a tongue tie and keep a check on the tongue tie symptoms to prevent the long standing effects of a tongue tie. 


There are various tongue tie symptoms that can range from mild to chronic. The symptoms of tongue tie and its severity may differ from one patient to another.

To learn in detail about the tongue tie and its symptoms in infants, children, and adults, kindly check the below-mentioned links.


If you suspect you or your child has a tongue tie, then take this simple diagnostic test for tongue tie.
Note: The results from this test are not an alternative to a medical diagnosis.

Radio Button Form

Q1: Do you have a string/band of tissue underneath your tongue that may restrict the movement of your tongue?

Not sure

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

No, You Do Not Have A Tongue Tie

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

Q2: Is your entire tongue resting on the roof of your mouth?

Not sure

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

No, You Do Not Have A Tongue Tie

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

Q3: Do you experience any discomfort or pain when you move your tongue?

Behind your upper teeth
In Between the teeth
Behind your lower teeth

No, You Do Not Have A Tongue Tie

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

Q4: Have you ever been diagnosed with a tongue-related condition?

Only the tip of my tongue
The middle and tip of my tongue
My entire tongue

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

Yes, You May Have A Tongue Tie

No, You Do Not Have A Tongue Tie

Note: A tongue tie assessment also involves the mobility of the tongue in the upward and downward direction. The tongue tie assessment is incomplete if only the length and the in and out movement are considered.

Follow this Tongue Mobility Assessment Guide for a better understanding of your condition. 

It is essential to note that not every type of tongue tie may need medical treatment. Depending on various factors, a tongue tie specialist will determine what’s best for you. A tongue tie doctor will consider the tongue tie symptoms and their severity to provide an accurate tongue tie diagnosis. Based on the tongue tie diagnosis, the tongue tie specialist will suggest the tongue tie treatment. Get in touch with the best tongue tie doctor to know more.


After a complete medical history and clinical examination, a tongue tie specialist will suggest the best tongue tie treatment.
The various ankyloglossia treatments includes:

This tongue tie surgery is simple and involves snipping the frenulum to free it.

This type of tongue tie surgery is a form of frenectomy. In this tongue tie surgery, blunt dissection is performed to completely release the fascia.
This type of surgery for tongue tie is performed to improve tongue mobility and surgical outcomes after an unsuccessful release.
In this tongue tie surgery type, the treatment for tongue tie release is done in stages. Typically, a gap of 2 months is kept between the stages for improved surgical outcomes.

Dr. Shah is the Only
Indian Ambassador of

The Breathe Institute

Trained in the Functional Frenuloplasty
Procedure by Dr. Soroush Zaghi


A tongue tie laser surgery is an approach that is used for the treatment of tongue tie in infants.
Scissor Frenectomy tongue tie surgery, or Functional Frenuloplasty Tongue Tie Surgery, is used for the treatment of tongue tie in children and tongue tie in adults.
To achieve optimal surgical outcomes, Myofunctional Therapy is often used. Myofunctional therapy is an important adjunct used before and after a Functional Frenuloplasty (tongue tie surgery).

Myofunctional Therapy before tongue tie surgery, a functional frenulum release surgery, postoperative stretches, and a team approach are the key factors required for a successful tongue tie surgery and excellent results. This approach is what makes us unique and helps us provide complete patient satisfaction

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of tongue tie surgery in India may vary based on factors such as, 
  • The tongue tie symptoms 
    • The tongue tie treatment approach used 
  • The experience of the tongue tie doctor 
  • Patient-related factors  
Cost Of Tongue Tie Surgery In India
Tongue tie in babies is characterized by certain symptoms. To know more about symptoms of tongue tie in infants (babies), read here
To correct the tongue tie, visit the tongue tie specialist near you. Your tongue tie specialist will check you and let you know the correct tongue tie treatment for you. The tongue tie surgery may be either a Laser tongue tie surgery or a Scissor Functional Frenuloplasty tongue tie surgery.

Tongue tie surgery often helps to improve speech. Sometimes it needs to be clubbed up with Speech Therapy. To know more about the results of tongue tie surgery, visit the tongue tie doctor near you. 

It is not possible to release tongue tie without surgery. To learn more about tongue tie surgery, get in touch with our tongue tie specialist

If you suspect a tongue tie, then take our simple test to learn about it. For an accurate diagnosis of tongue tie,please visit a tongue tie specialist. 

No, a tongue tie should not be cut at home. 


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