What Exactly Is A Tongue Tie? How Does It Affect Us?

What Exactly Is A Tongue Tie? How Does It Affect Us? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | Tongue Tie |
#DidYouKnow the tongue has 8 muscles which can exert 500gms of force? We have almost always neglected this tiny structure.The tongue is a mighty muscle which is essential for sucking, swallowing, eating, drinking, chewing, breathing, speech, jaw growth and improving digestion.


That is called the lingual frenulum. The lingual frenulum is a small fold of mucous membrane that extends from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the underside of the tongue.

What Exactly Is A Tongue Tie? How Does It Affect Us? | | TMJ, Tongue Tie & Sleep Institute – Tongue Tie Treatment in Mumbai, India | Tongue Tie |

Discover how a tongue tie could be affecting your overall health and well-being. Schedule a consultation with our experienced team to learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for tongue tie issues.


Stand in front of the mirror, open your mouth and stretch your tongue towards the palate. You may or may not see a band beneath your tongue? Now that’s your lingual frenulum which is very tight for some people and is visible as a band
This tight frenulum is given different names like ankyloglossia, tight tongue, tongue tie, tight frenulum etc.which restricts tongue movements essential for the above mentioned functions. A tightness in the fascial tissues is represented by a tongue tie.


Fascia is a connective tissue more like a spider web that provides our body a continuous 3-dimensional matrix of structural support surrounding our muscles, bones, nerves and even the internal organs
This may surprise you! “The anterior deep fascial line starts from beneath the tongue and goes till the lungs to the pelvic bones down to the arches of your feet.” This means there is a direct connection between the orofacial function-tongue function- diaphragmatic breathing – cervical posture.


Your body is a beautiful piece of architecture that is going to compensate if the fascia coat is too tight. It’s like you’re walking around in a Spiderman suit that’s too tight. The tongue is going to pull forward with the floor of the mouth causing strain on the neck and shoulder muscles. But when you release this fascial tension, everything can open up!
Here are a few videos to watch to help understand fascia better.


Restricted and incomplete tongue movement due to taut lingual frenulum can affect breastfeeding, speech, nasal breathing, development of the jaws, eating habits and sleeping patterns.
Infants with tongue ties may have significant trouble breastfeeding that is because they are unable to latch correctly and create suction. They have also been reported to have issues gaining weight and falling asleep during feeds due to the extra exertion. In addition, mothers with infants who are tongue tied can experience significant pain in their nipples, to the extent that they can become cracked and bleed.
The ideal position of the tongue is resting on the palate. In children, Tongue ties can restrict growth of the jaws due to the low lying tongue posture which also leads to a narrow upper jaw with a deep palate as the tongue is not able to function as the natural expander of the palate. This results in lack of space and crooked teeth.
The tongue houses in the upper part of your mouth called the palate. The roof of your mouth is the floor of the nose. Hence as the upper jaw narrows and deepens due to a low resting tongue posture; infants, children and adults start to mouth breathe instead of nasal breathing. Since the tongue lies in a low resting posture, the back of the tongue falls into the airway. In order to protect the airway, a child or adult doesn’t transition into the deep stages of sleep resulting in a disrupted sleep pattern.
Tongue ties can lead your child to be a fussy and picky eater who takes long to complete his/her meals.You may also find your child pouching his/her food in the mouth leading to cavities in his/her teeth. This is because the tongue is not able to move freely in all directions causing it difficult for your child to swallow his/her food thus developing an incorrect swallow pattern. Not all tongue ties cause speech developmental issues but sometimes distorted and disrupted speech can be observed when the child attempts to say one continuous sentence.
Discover how a tongue tie could be affecting your overall health and well-being. Schedule a consultation with our experienced team to learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for tongue tie issues.


It would be ideal to meet with a pediatric dentist, an ENT or a pediatric surgeon who has advanced training in tongue ties and frenectomy, frenotomy or a functional frenuloplasty procedure.
Please feel free to ask me any questions. Contact Us
Keywords : tongue tie, posterior tongue tie, lingual frenulum, tongue tied baby, tongue tie surgery, tongue tie release, tongue tie speech, lip tie, breastfeeding


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Comprehensive Care for Tongue Tie and TMJ Disorders

At our institute, we take pride in providing complete care for issues related to tongue tie and TMJ. To enhance your quality of life, we treat a range of ailments with state-of-the-art technology and expert care. If you’re searching for an effective tongue-tie operation option or a TMJ specialist in India, you have arrived at the right place.

Why Choose a Tongue Tie Operation?

A tongue tie operation or tongue tie surgery is a life-changing procedure that not only restores tongue mobility but also has a full body effect. While most people associate tongue tie with breastfeeding difficulties in infants, it can also affect speech, breathing, posture, dental health, and sleep patterns in older children and adults. By undergoing this minimally invasive fascia release procedure, patients often experience immediate improvements in functionality and overall well-being.

Benefits of a Tongue Tie Surgery

For individuals considering tongue tie surgery, the benefits are far-reaching:

TMJ Specialist Mumbai: Advanced Care Tailored to Your Needs

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) that is your Jaw Joint has a significant impact on one’s quality of life, as they leave the person feeling exhausted and irritable. It not only affects essential functions like chewing, speaking, yawning but also affects one’s posture, breathing and sleep. As a leading TMJ specialist in Mumbai, we offer comprehensive diagnostics and personalized treatment plans to address your unique needs.

Innovative Treatments by TMJ Specialists in India

Our approach to TMJ disorders combines state-of-the-art technology with evidence-based practices. We specialize in:

The Role of Tongue Tie in TMJ Disorders

Many patients are unaware that tongue tie and TMJ disorders can also be interconnected. A restricted tongue can lead to compensatory behaviors that strain the jaw, progressing towards TMJ issues.

Personalized Treatment for All Ages


For newborns, a tongue tie operation is critical in supporting breastfeeding. Infants struggling to latch or feed effectively benefit greatly from a quick and safe procedure.


Tongue tie in children might affect their oral health and speech development. They can significantly enhance their quality of life with a tailored tongue tie surgery.


Adults often seek tongue tie operations for relief from symptoms such as speech impediments, TMJ pain, or even snoring. Combining tongue tie surgery with myofunctional therapy ensures optimal results.

Integrated Myofunctional Therapy

An integral part of our treatment protocols is myofunctional therapy. Exercises used in this therapy help to strengthen and coordinate the muscles of the tongue and face. Whether you’re undergoing a tongue tie operation or being treated for TMJ issues, myofunctional therapy plays a pivotal role in ensuring lasting outcomes.

Expertise and complete treatment are essential for treating TMJ issues or tongue tie. Whether you’re searching for the best tongue tie surgery options or a trusted TMJ specialist in Mumbai, we ensure personalized care and transformative results. Don’t let these conditions stop you—reach out to us today to book your consultation and start your journey toward better health and wellness.