We commonly hear new mums complaining “Breastfeeding is supposed to be a natural process, why can’t we achieve it easily?.” They feel so dejected and unsatisfied with their breastfeeding journey that they come to a breaking point.
They are unable to experience this beautiful journey. Hence, they reluctantly switch to other means like giving bottles and formula milk to their infants to ensure optimal weight gain and nutrition.
Every mother and baby is unique and their struggle with breastfeeding could be different. Based on the encounters and experiences faced by mothers, we have briefly covered the most common breastfeeding problems and the solutions for them.
1) Painful and Sore Nipples: – “It is extremely painful when my infant latches, and I get bruised/bleeding nipples at times”
2) Breast Engorgement (Swollen Breasts): – “I’m engorged with way too much milk and feel like exploding!”
Solution – Gently massage and compress the breasts in between feeds. Try a warm compress before breastfeeding and cold compress after to reduce swelling. Try expressing milk if the breast hasn’t emptied enough. You can switch positions to alleviate pain or switch to a well-fitted nursing bra. Visit an IBCLC or lactation consultant to check for reasons why the baby isn’t breastfeeding well.
3) Poor Breastfeeding Latch: – “My baby has latching issues”.
This is probably the most common breastfeeding issue that we have seen and heard. The new born baby needs to find a good latch on both the nipples and the areola so that the milk ducts underneath can maintain a steady flow of milk. The best part, when the baby has a good latch, you would get to know instantly as their chin and tip of the nose would touch the breast, and their lips would be flanged out.
Solution – Adjust the angle and position of the baby to ensure a better latch. Try different feeding positions with the help and advice of a lactation consultant. If this doesn’t help, check with a pediatric dentist who specialises in tongue function to check for interference due to tongue ties or lip ties.
4) Leaking Breasts: – “My breast is leaking at odd times!”.
5) Plugged (Blocked) Milk Ducts: – “My breasts have become red and swollen”-
6) Mastitis – “My breast is enlarged, tender and has red dots”
7) Thrush Infection – “I can feel a shooting pain in my breasts”.
8) Baby falls asleep while nursing – “My baby falls asleep during nursing”.
When babies fall asleep during nursing, the mother always wonders if they are properly fed. New born babies tend to sleep a lot during the first few weeks. However, even though it’s common, it may be a sign that they are not getting enough milk (due to insufficient sucking, etc) as the process of nursing tends to keep the baby active.
9) Milk Bleb/blister – “I think I have a milk blister”.
10) Baby keeps biting – “My child constantly chews on my nipples”.
11) Low Milk Production – “I have a reduced milk supply”.
Solution – If you truly have a reduced milk supply and your baby’s weight gain is a concern, you can consult with a lactation consultant, who might suggest taking supplements to increase the supply. To adjust to the demand-supply process, avoid using bottles and formulas. Another reason might be the baby is not suckling right to withdraw enough milk. For this, get the baby examined by the IBCLC for any tight frenulums, which may prevent the baby from suckling well.
12) Baby is restless and gassy – “My baby is very restless and gassy”.
Solution – Since this generally happens when your baby swallows more air than milk, you need to burp your baby after every meal. Also, get the baby evaluated by the IBCLC for any other underlying issues. Please avoid giving any reflux medicines as they have proven to be harmful to the baby’s bone density.
NOTE: This list can be treated as a resource and not a self-diagnosing tool.
If you have breastfeeding issues, the absolute best thing you can do for yourself and your baby is to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND DO NOT LET THIS GET YOU DOWN!
We encourage you to reach out to a lactation consultant or a paediatric dentist with advanced specialisations in tongue or lip ties and have a holistic and team approach towards you and your babies breastfeeding problems.
Copyright ©2024 TMJ, Tongue Tie and Sleep Institute. All Rights Reserved.
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At our institute, we take pride in providing complete care for issues related to tongue tie and TMJ. To enhance your quality of life, we treat a range of ailments with state-of-the-art technology and expert care. If you’re searching for an effective tongue-tie operation option or a TMJ specialist in India, you have arrived at the right place.
A tongue tie operation or tongue tie surgery is a life-changing procedure that not only restores tongue mobility but also has a full body effect. While most people associate tongue tie with breastfeeding difficulties in infants, it can also affect speech, breathing, posture, dental health, and sleep patterns in older children and adults. By undergoing this minimally invasive fascia release procedure, patients often experience immediate improvements in functionality and overall well-being.
For individuals considering tongue tie surgery, the benefits are far-reaching:
The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) that is your Jaw Joint has a significant impact on one’s quality of life, as they leave the person feeling exhausted and irritable. It not only affects essential functions like chewing, speaking, yawning but also affects one’s posture, breathing and sleep. As a leading TMJ specialist in Mumbai, we offer comprehensive diagnostics and personalized treatment plans to address your unique needs.
An integral part of our treatment protocols is myofunctional therapy. Exercises used in this therapy help to strengthen and coordinate the muscles of the tongue and face. Whether you’re undergoing a tongue tie operation or being treated for TMJ issues, myofunctional therapy plays a pivotal role in ensuring lasting outcomes.
Expertise and complete treatment are essential for treating TMJ issues or tongue tie. Whether you’re searching for the best tongue tie surgery options or a trusted TMJ specialist in Mumbai, we ensure personalized care and transformative results. Don’t let these conditions stop you—reach out to us today to book your consultation and start your journey toward better health and wellness.