
Tongue Tie Compensations: Fascial Restrictions, Tension And Pain

Tongue Tie Compensations: Fascial Restrictions, Tension And Pain

Fascia is a connective tissue more like a spider web that provides our body a continuous 3-dimensional

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6 Steps Of Assessment: Do I Have A Tongue Tie?

6 Steps Of Assessment: Do I Have A Tongue Tie?

The back of the tongue should be resting high up on the palate. This helps in keeping the airway wide open.

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Are You Struggling With Headaches, Migraines And TMJ Disorder?

Are You Struggling With Headaches, Migraines And TMJ Disorder?

TMJ pain has been reported in 1 in 10 people, and TMD has been reported in almost half of the population.

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Best And Worst Foods To Eat For TMJ Relief

Best And Worst Foods To Eat For TMJ Relief

TMD, which is often referred to as Temporomandibular or Jaw Joint disorders, is often a holistic whole-body disorder.

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Connection Between TMJ and Body Posture

Connection Between TMJ and Body Posture

TMJ is an accommodative joint in which the condyle & disc position is dictated by the body posture & intercuspal

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Effective Snoring Exercises For A Good Night’s Sleep

Effective Snoring Exercises For A Good Night’s Sleep

Snoring, a common sleep disorder, is characterised by the loud noises a person makes while they sleep

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Clenching And Grinding Is A Cause Of TMD Not A Symptom!

Clenching And Grinding Is A Cause Of TMD Not A Symptom!

TMJ pain has been reported in 1 in 10 people, and TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction or Disorder)

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How Can Bruxism Cause TMJ Disorder?

How Can Bruxism Cause TMJ Disorder?

Bruxism is a condition characterised by the unconscious grinding and clenching of teeth that can occur during both

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Let’s Re-evaluate Our Breathing!

Let’s Re-evaluate Our Breathing!

As a child I was told that breathing is an action that happens automatically and not much attention

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3 Methods To Test If Your Child Is Habitually Mouth Breathing

3 Methods To Test If Your Child Is Habitually Mouth Breathing

If you ask a patient if they are breathing through their mouth they will instinctively tell you no they are breathing

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Treating Sleep Apnea With Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Treating Sleep Apnea With Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Can sleep apnea be treated with oral Myofunctional therapy? The answer is yes, it can be. However,

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What Happens if TMJ Disorders Are Left Untreated?

What Happens if TMJ Disorders Are Left Untreated?

A dysfunctioning Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) can affect your entire body. The TMJ is a powerful

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Correlation Between TMJ And Neck Pain

Correlation Between TMJ And Neck Pain

To begin with, TMJ is a joint that moves and adjusts the position of the condyle and disc based on the body’s

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What Exactly Is A Tongue Tie? How Does It Affect Us?

What Exactly Is A Tongue Tie? How Does It Affect Us?

#DidYouKnow the tongue has 8 muscles which can exert 500gms of force? We have almost always neglected

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Why Is Airway Orthodontics Necessary To Align Your Teeth?

Why Is Airway Orthodontics Necessary To Align Your Teeth?

Did you know that our entire jaw and mouth structure lie right in front of the airway?

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How to Cure TMJ Permanently?

How to Cure TMJ Permanently?

The temporomandibular joint located in the jaw is one of the most complex yet powerful joints in the human body.

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Myofunctional Therapy For TMJ: How It Helps?

Myofunctional Therapy For TMJ: How It Helps?

TMJ pain is a common problem affecting many individuals – adults and children alike. TMJ refers to

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How to Know if It is TMJ Disorder or Something Else?

How to Know if It is TMJ Disorder or Something Else?

TMJ pain has been reported in 1 in 10 people, and TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction or Disorder)

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How Does Thumb Sucking And Pacifier Use Impact Your Child’s Myofunctional Development?

How Does Thumb Sucking And Pacifier Use Impact Your Child’s Myofunctional Development?

Myofunctional development is vital for overall oral health, involving the coordination and function

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The Unexpected Reason Behind My Son’s Picky Eating

The Unexpected Reason Behind My Son’s Picky Eating

As much as I joke about how difficult it is to get my kids to eat, I’m not joking today. My oldest son

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The Relatuonship Between Jaw Pain And Headache

The Relatuonship Between Jaw Pain And Headache

Have you ever had a sore jaw and also found yourself dealing with a pounding headache? You’re not alone.

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Importance Of Teamwork In Evaluating Tongue Ties

Importance Of Teamwork In Evaluating Tongue Ties

Most often parents come to us after the diagnosis of a tongue or a lip tie with the thought process that a simple

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Struggling During Breastfeeding? Let’s Find Out Why !?!

Struggling During Breastfeeding? Let’s Find Out Why !?!

A woman’s body is remarkable. Not only can it grow another human being, but it can also provide

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Simple Jaw Exercises for Temporary Pain Relief From TMJ

Simple Jaw Exercises for Temporary Pain Relief From TMJ

TMJ – short for Temporomandibular joints – are placed immediately in front of the ears, on both sides of the face.

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Is My Anxiety, Stress & Tiredness Linked With My Tmj Disorder?

Is My Anxiety, Stress & Tiredness Linked With My Tmj Disorder?

TMJ/TMJD can have an effect on all parts of your life. Is there a link between stress, anxiety, exhaustion and TMJ?

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Mouth Breathing: Things Every Parent Needs To Know

Mouth Breathing: Things Every Parent Needs To Know

Did you know that 60% -70% of children suffer from mouth breathing? That’s right! Mouth breathing refers to breathing

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Tongue Tie Release For Children & Adults: How We Do It?

Tongue Tie Release For Children & Adults: How We Do It?

In our practice we use the Functional Frenuloplasty procedure to release tongue ties for toddlers,

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Frequently Asked Questions On Functional Frenuloplasty

Frequently Asked Questions On Functional Frenuloplasty

Your active participation is important to the post-operative success of your treatment.

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Is Snoring Dangerous? Warning Signs And How To Treat It

Is Snoring Dangerous? Warning Signs And How To Treat It

Is snoring dangerous? This is a common question asked by many, and the simple answer is YES, it is!

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15+ Myths (And Facts) About Tongue Ties And Lip Ties

15+ Myths (And Facts) About Tongue Ties And Lip Ties

The tongue is a mighty muscle essential for sucking, swallowing, eating, drinking, chewing, breathing,

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Is It Ear Pain Or Tmd?

Is It Ear Pain Or Tmd?

Ear pain could be due to an ear infection or TMJ related. The first step is to get it checked by an ENT

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How Can I Practice Better Sleep Habits?

How Can I Practice Better Sleep Habits?

Do you often go through the day feeling sleepy, sluggish, fatigued and lethargic, even after 7-8hrs of sleep?

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Faq’s On Infant Laser Tongue Tie Release (Frenectomy)

Faq’s On Infant Laser Tongue Tie Release (Frenectomy)

A lot of mothers feel anxious when they hear their baby would need a tongue tie release. As a mother

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Sleep Apnea Vs Snoring: Understanding the Differences

Sleep Apnea Vs Snoring: Understanding the Differences

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that is characterised by a pause in breathing while a person is asleep.

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The Connection Between Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Obesity

The Connection Between Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Obesity

Snoring is characterised by noisy breathing that occurs when a person’s airway is partially

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7 Reasons To Get Braces As An Adult

7 Reasons To Get Braces As An Adult

Be it a kid or an adult – everyone can get braces. Your oral health contributes to your overall health,

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What Is The Correct Age For A Child To Get Braces?

What Is The Correct Age For A Child To Get Braces?

Are you concerned about the way your child’s teeth are growing? Have you noticed their teeth

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9 Signs That Your Child Is Sleeping Or Breathing With An Open Mouth

9 Signs That Your Child Is Sleeping Or Breathing With An Open Mouth

Mouth breathing is a Sleep Breathing Disorder which can have serious effects on your child’s health.

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Braces And Myobrace: A Guide

Braces And Myobrace: A Guide

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered if your child will need orthodontic braces! You definitely

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What Causes Crooked Teeth? How Soon Can You Correct Them?

What Causes Crooked Teeth? How Soon Can You Correct Them?

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably wondered if your child will need orthodontic braces! You definitely

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Sleep Disorders: Myths & Facts About Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep Disorders: Myths & Facts About Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) is an umbrella term for different sleep-related breathing disorders

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Signs That Indicate Your Child’s Snoring is a Problem

Signs That Indicate Your Child’s Snoring is a Problem

For children, sleep is essential for their overall physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural development.

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Things To Do Before And After Getting Braces

Things To Do Before And After Getting Braces

If you’re reading this article, odds are that you are likely considering getting braces. What to do before

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How To Correct Mouth Breathing With Myofunctional Therapy?

How To Correct Mouth Breathing With Myofunctional Therapy?

You might think breathing through your mouth isn’t a big deal, but it actually is. A lot of us end up breathing through

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Tongue Tie Diagnosis: How To Determine Tongue Ties In Babies?

Tongue Tie Diagnosis: How To Determine Tongue Ties In Babies?

Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition present at birth. It is a string of tissue that restricts the tongue’s

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What Parents Need To Know About Lip Ties And Tongue Ties?

What Parents Need To Know About Lip Ties And Tongue Ties?

Many parents are not familiar with the term “lip ties” or “tongue ties”. When a paediatric

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Relationship Between Tongue Tie & Sleep Apnea

Relationship Between Tongue Tie & Sleep Apnea

Tongue tie is more than just a metaphor for stumbling over your words. It is an oral condition that

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Top 10+ Common Breastfeeding Problems And Solutions

Top 10+ Common Breastfeeding Problems And Solutions

Many parents are not familiar with the term “lip ties” or “tongue ties”. When a paediatric

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