Dr. Zaghi Functional Frenuloplasty

Tongue tie laser

In our practice, we use the Functional Frenuloplasty procedure to release tongue ties for toddlers, children, and adults. This approach has been adapted from Dr. Soroush Zaghi of The Breathe Institute, Los Angeles, who is an ENT & globally renowned sleep surgeon who has established this functional approach to tongue ties.
Dr Ankita Shah has directly trained under Dr. Zaghi for Functional Frenuloplasty in Los Angeles and is The Breathe Institute’s Only Indian Ambassador.


A lot of individuals have naturally differing tongue and lip frenums. This is similar to how people have variations in the length of their fingers. These variations can impact the development and functioning of the mouth. These oral tissues, having limitations, are often referred to as “frenum restrictions,” but they are more commonly recognized as “tongue-ties” and “lip-ties.”
These tongue and lip ties come in various grades. If not addressed on time, these conditions can often cause the formation of a high and narrow palate. These conditions may also contribute to issues such as allergies, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, heart conditions, respiratory illnesses, dental problems, low resting tongue position, tongue thrusting, and sleep-disordered breathing.
Once the limitation in the frenum is recognized, there are several treatment options and therapies available to choose from. One such commonly used and effective approach is Frenuloplasty. The Breathe Institute Protocol for Functional Frenuloplasty is a successful method that consistently provides positive outcomes to our patients around the world. Typically, a Frenuloplasty is a straightforward outpatient procedure.


The success of our practice is based on our ability to provide a complete and effective release of tethered oral tissues. We ensure this success by incorporating a multidisciplinary protocol that integrates myofunctional therapy (and physical therapy at times) both before, during, and after frenuloplasty surgery. Our tongue tie release procedure and technique is based on precision: releasing the appropriate extent of tissues for maximal relief, not too much or not too little.


Given the tongue’s crucial role in various functions, limited mobility of the tongue can cause compensatory behaviors that can cause the muscles in the head and neck to strain over time. Additionally, our tongue is interconnected with the entire body through a network of connective tissue called fascia.

When the movements of the tongue are restricted, it can create tension within the fascia network, resulting in neck tension, discomfort, and postural issues. It may come as a surprise, but there is a direct link between orofacial function, tongue function, diaphragmatic breathing, and cervical posture. Our approach to Functional Frenuloplasty acknowledges the changes that occur after a tongue tie frenectomy surgery. It ensures the body is prepared for a smooth and optimal healing process following the treatment.



A frenectomy is simply an excision of the frenum tissues. In contrast, a frenuloplasty tongue tie involves a skilled excision of the tissue along with the blunt dissection of fascia to improve the tongue’s range of motion. Functional Frenuloplasty is the only procedure where a complete release of the fascia is achieved. The complete release will relieve tension throughout the body. Our team is highly active in learning and applying the latest clinical research. We hope that videos and resources below will help you learn more about our technique.


Immediate Post-Op

Day 7 Post-Op

3 Month Post-Op

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Functional Frenuloplasty is a very safe procedure for adults and children. Dr. Ankita, who is an expert trained in Functional Frenuloplasty, ensures that you get the best outcomes of the procedure. Functional Frenuloplasty is effective and gives long-term results.

The time taken for a patient to recover from a functional frenuloplasty procedure is usually 15 days. However, in most cases, the recovery is quick, and patients experience little to no discomfort after the procedure. The patient can also resume their normal activities within 2 days of the procedure.

The cost for tongue tie surgery may vary based on factors such as the severity and difficulty level of the tongue tie. To learn about the cost of tongue tie surgery, Contact Us.

The risks and complications associated with Functional Frenuloplasty are rare. However, some patients in an extremely unlikely event may experience numbness, infection, pain, or bleeding after the procedure. To know about your risks and complications after Functional Frenuloplasty, talk to our specialist.

Dr. Zaghi's Functional Frenuloplasty is a very effective procedure. It is the only type of tongue tie surgery that provides a complete fascial release. Patients undergoing this treatment experience excellent long-term results.


Tongue Tie Compensations: Fascial Restrictions, Tension And Pain

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Your active participation is important to the post-operative success of your treatment.

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